Listening to: The Gospel ~Jimmy Needham
Trying desparately: Not to lose my mind amongst all of these carboard boxes. Which is proving to be quite difficult.
I'm sitting on my couch...surveying the masses of cardboard boxes...wondering how I found myself here and not unpacking. Procrastination. Isn't it a wonderful thing?
Not really...because the longer my stuff stays hidden away, the longer I'm going to feel like I have no home.
*deep sigh*
There's always tomorrow...
I guess I should be used to moving by now...and for the most part I really am. I don't get all nostalgic when I leave one place to go to just takes a while for the new place to feel comfortable, you know?
I'm fairly certain all the moving I've done is preparing me for my future as a nomad and that makes it somewhat better...somewhat.
God has certainly blessed me through all of this and I'm thankful for His provision...I just don't know how far down I'm going to let my roots grow this time. Lately, I've been thinking that perhaps God's plan will always entail moving.
At first, this revelation kind of stung. I dream about setling down and owning a cute-sy little cottage, planting a flower garden and going to visit my best friend who would most definitely live next door. But I also have this deep desire to travel and share the love of Christ wherever He leads me. To go love on people...heal their bodies...fill their souls with truth and with hope.
Thankfully, God is where my roots are down deep. And He's always with me because He's in me. So I'm ok with not having a permanent physical dwelling place...because as long as I'm in His will He's my safety, my comfort and all that's farmiliar when I'm in need of the calm.
And I know wherever He leads me, I'll be ok. He'll give me the strength to handle it all. :)