Monday, December 3, 2012

'tis the season

Listening to: Madness -Muse
Dreading: FINALS

Today. I made hot cocoa stirrers. It was glorious. They are glorious. And just dang fun.  And they aided me in my quest for The Joy of Christmas Past. Because honestly, I'm just not in the spirit this year. Typically, my tree goes up long before Halloween...and I'm singing carols and wearing Santa hats. IDONTKNOWWHATHAPPENEDTOME. Well, that's not true. I know what happened.


It's stressful!

BUT. I have found that dipping spoons in chocolate and covering them in sprinkles helps a lot. And making a big mess. And eating the whole bowl of melted peanut butter chips. Also, sharing said deliciousness with your favorite dog. Who also happens to be your favorite living creature. And (lucky for you) taking pictures of all of the above.