Wednesday, August 1, 2012

grace abounds

Listening to:For Joy by ETWC
Verse Love: He must increase, but I must decrease. //John 3:30//

Loving palm trees lately.

             It’s two in the morning. And I’m drinking the most fantastic cup of coffee. EVER. Why am I drinking this cup of coffee at two in the morning? HAVE YOU BEEN LISTENING TO ANYTHING I’VE SAID?! Ok, sorry. I’m hyper. But seriously, it’s fannnntastic. Even though this new trend my body is going through…the whole sleeping for two hours and drinking four cups of coffee trend…is probably my least favorite. Since I haven’t had a full night’s sleep since idontknowwhen, I figure I might as well use these hours to be productive.

            And by, “be productive,” I clearly mean painting my nails and singing along REALLY loud to Enter the Worship Cirlce. Because how can you help but paint your nails when your nail polish is mint (mint is the equivalent of sunshine) and ETWC is cranking out lyrics like such:

Those who put their hope in You will never be turned away // Those who place their trust in You will never be put to shame // I am waiting here for You // To hear You speak my name

I want to start over now // Hear me God, I’m calling out for mercy // Your sweet forgetfulness // O, Mercy pull a blanket over me again // Mercy, You cover all of my sin // I don’t ever want to break Your heart again

Surely those who wait on You will never be ashamed // All those who call on You will know the faithfulness of Your Name

Who am I that you would know my name // Know my deepest parts // And love me just the same // Who am I that you would sing a song about me


About a month ago, I declared to people far and near that this summer has been my favorite. I am excluding the past three weeks from that declaration. Because it is my declaration, and I can do with it whatever I please. So. There. It’s been a humdinger {My Papa would be SO proud of me for using that word by the way} of a month.

When you’re faced with college issues, impossible situations, finding out that sickness is stealing away a loved one, sleepless nights, long days, seeing people that you love in pain, confusion, the need for patience, being reminded of how very hurt the world is, endless a-sexual to-do lists that multiply like rabbits,  and just plain exhaustion it’s hard to press on. And that’s when I’ve found that Praise God, grace abounds:

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. // 2 Corinthians 2:9 //

Not gonna lie. I’ve kind of wanted to eat 2 Corinthians lately. It’s just so good. God will provide all I need. And according to my pastor for the last several weeks, “all means all,” It doesn’t mean that these problems are going to disappear…I still have to endure another college advisor tomorrow. I still have to deal with the realization that my loved one won’t be here much longer. People I love are still hurting and I can’t stop it, I probably won’t sleep but a mere two hours tonight. This week will most likely be just as long as the last one. My sister will undoubtedly catch a glimpse of my to-do list and ask me again why the heck, “eat,” is written down. But these things – they don’t compare to the joy of having a God that’s always close by. In the midst of all these things, He’s fueling my heart with joyicantexplain.

I’ve decided to start a “grace is,” theme in my journal. So every time God gifts me with another grace (they’re always so darn creative) I shall write it down. So I can look back and remember. Because I never want to forget His hands.

Over the past three weeks, grace is:
Good coffee
Pink conditioner. Seriously guys, I don’t think there is anything more exciting than pink conditioner? Actually, I’m pretty sure mint conditioner would reign supreme. I’m having obsession issues. Big time.
Roaming your house in a towel robe trying to accomplish millions of things and catching a glimpse of yourself; your wild hair, your crazed haven’t-slept-in-days eyes, your smeared mascara and  busting out laughing because all you can do is say, “And THAT eees a crazy lady!” in your best Nacho Libre accent.
Friends who have no idea that you’re overcome with feelings of inadequacy, who speak sweet, sweet truth into your life that emboldens you while playing with your ponytail and patting your shoulder.

Telling your clinical director that you considered going to missionary school and he leans forward all sincere-like and says, “Oh! So you wanted to be a nun?”

Hearing your friend’s son proclaim that he is, “Dr. Octavius!!!” first thing in the morning.

Being allowed the privilege of showing God’s love to someone who needs it.

Seriously. The list goes on. But alas! It is now three in the morning. Good. Grief.

Truth be told, I’m merely procrastinating creating a financial plan for the fall when school starts. So. What. I never, never, ever claimed to be perfect. And I hate finances. But I loooove Jesus. :) And that’s what matters right?

It doesn’t matter that I am not at my ideal weight. Or that I still cry when I have to get shots. Neither does the fact that I have to learn and re-learn and re-learn the same lessons over and again. Come to think of it, my fears don’t either. Nor, my hate for everything responsible. And finances. Praise God, grace covers it all.

Let’s get real, though.{I say this as though ^all that wasn’t crazy real?}  I’m thinking it’s time to buy some fancy waterproof mascara. That, or cease wearing it altogether. Because life…life is a real tear-jerker. And if it’s not one thing, it will be another. But you know, I’ve decided I really wouldn’t take a life of ease over having to depend heavily on the presence of God to keep me sane. His nearness is just too incredible. Incredible, and sweet.

Holy Nutella! It’s late and I had planned on getting out of bed at eight to clean. Wish me luck! ;) 

"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you." //2 Corinthians (!!!) 13:14//


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