Monday, December 3, 2012

'tis the season

Listening to: Madness -Muse
Dreading: FINALS

Today. I made hot cocoa stirrers. It was glorious. They are glorious. And just dang fun.  And they aided me in my quest for The Joy of Christmas Past. Because honestly, I'm just not in the spirit this year. Typically, my tree goes up long before Halloween...and I'm singing carols and wearing Santa hats. IDONTKNOWWHATHAPPENEDTOME. Well, that's not true. I know what happened.


It's stressful!

BUT. I have found that dipping spoons in chocolate and covering them in sprinkles helps a lot. And making a big mess. And eating the whole bowl of melted peanut butter chips. Also, sharing said deliciousness with your favorite dog. Who also happens to be your favorite living creature. And (lucky for you) taking pictures of all of the above.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

grace abounds

Listening to:For Joy by ETWC
Verse Love: He must increase, but I must decrease. //John 3:30//

Loving palm trees lately.

             It’s two in the morning. And I’m drinking the most fantastic cup of coffee. EVER. Why am I drinking this cup of coffee at two in the morning? HAVE YOU BEEN LISTENING TO ANYTHING I’VE SAID?! Ok, sorry. I’m hyper. But seriously, it’s fannnntastic. Even though this new trend my body is going through…the whole sleeping for two hours and drinking four cups of coffee trend…is probably my least favorite. Since I haven’t had a full night’s sleep since idontknowwhen, I figure I might as well use these hours to be productive.

            And by, “be productive,” I clearly mean painting my nails and singing along REALLY loud to Enter the Worship Cirlce. Because how can you help but paint your nails when your nail polish is mint (mint is the equivalent of sunshine) and ETWC is cranking out lyrics like such:

Those who put their hope in You will never be turned away // Those who place their trust in You will never be put to shame // I am waiting here for You // To hear You speak my name

I want to start over now // Hear me God, I’m calling out for mercy // Your sweet forgetfulness // O, Mercy pull a blanket over me again // Mercy, You cover all of my sin // I don’t ever want to break Your heart again

Surely those who wait on You will never be ashamed // All those who call on You will know the faithfulness of Your Name

Who am I that you would know my name // Know my deepest parts // And love me just the same // Who am I that you would sing a song about me


About a month ago, I declared to people far and near that this summer has been my favorite. I am excluding the past three weeks from that declaration. Because it is my declaration, and I can do with it whatever I please. So. There. It’s been a humdinger {My Papa would be SO proud of me for using that word by the way} of a month.

When you’re faced with college issues, impossible situations, finding out that sickness is stealing away a loved one, sleepless nights, long days, seeing people that you love in pain, confusion, the need for patience, being reminded of how very hurt the world is, endless a-sexual to-do lists that multiply like rabbits,  and just plain exhaustion it’s hard to press on. And that’s when I’ve found that Praise God, grace abounds:

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. // 2 Corinthians 2:9 //

Not gonna lie. I’ve kind of wanted to eat 2 Corinthians lately. It’s just so good. God will provide all I need. And according to my pastor for the last several weeks, “all means all,” It doesn’t mean that these problems are going to disappear…I still have to endure another college advisor tomorrow. I still have to deal with the realization that my loved one won’t be here much longer. People I love are still hurting and I can’t stop it, I probably won’t sleep but a mere two hours tonight. This week will most likely be just as long as the last one. My sister will undoubtedly catch a glimpse of my to-do list and ask me again why the heck, “eat,” is written down. But these things – they don’t compare to the joy of having a God that’s always close by. In the midst of all these things, He’s fueling my heart with joyicantexplain.

I’ve decided to start a “grace is,” theme in my journal. So every time God gifts me with another grace (they’re always so darn creative) I shall write it down. So I can look back and remember. Because I never want to forget His hands.

Over the past three weeks, grace is:
Good coffee
Pink conditioner. Seriously guys, I don’t think there is anything more exciting than pink conditioner? Actually, I’m pretty sure mint conditioner would reign supreme. I’m having obsession issues. Big time.
Roaming your house in a towel robe trying to accomplish millions of things and catching a glimpse of yourself; your wild hair, your crazed haven’t-slept-in-days eyes, your smeared mascara and  busting out laughing because all you can do is say, “And THAT eees a crazy lady!” in your best Nacho Libre accent.
Friends who have no idea that you’re overcome with feelings of inadequacy, who speak sweet, sweet truth into your life that emboldens you while playing with your ponytail and patting your shoulder.

Telling your clinical director that you considered going to missionary school and he leans forward all sincere-like and says, “Oh! So you wanted to be a nun?”

Hearing your friend’s son proclaim that he is, “Dr. Octavius!!!” first thing in the morning.

Being allowed the privilege of showing God’s love to someone who needs it.

Seriously. The list goes on. But alas! It is now three in the morning. Good. Grief.

Truth be told, I’m merely procrastinating creating a financial plan for the fall when school starts. So. What. I never, never, ever claimed to be perfect. And I hate finances. But I loooove Jesus. :) And that’s what matters right?

It doesn’t matter that I am not at my ideal weight. Or that I still cry when I have to get shots. Neither does the fact that I have to learn and re-learn and re-learn the same lessons over and again. Come to think of it, my fears don’t either. Nor, my hate for everything responsible. And finances. Praise God, grace covers it all.

Let’s get real, though.{I say this as though ^all that wasn’t crazy real?}  I’m thinking it’s time to buy some fancy waterproof mascara. That, or cease wearing it altogether. Because life…life is a real tear-jerker. And if it’s not one thing, it will be another. But you know, I’ve decided I really wouldn’t take a life of ease over having to depend heavily on the presence of God to keep me sane. His nearness is just too incredible. Incredible, and sweet.

Holy Nutella! It’s late and I had planned on getting out of bed at eight to clean. Wish me luck! ;) 

"May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you." //2 Corinthians (!!!) 13:14//


Saturday, July 28, 2012


Listening to: Tip of My Tongue by The Civil Wars
Verse addiction: When he falls, he will not be hurled headlong because the LORD is the One Who holds his hand. ~Psalm 37:24

Oh, just watching the sunset in Dripping Springs over the Pedernales Falls. :D

He's always been close // Always steadied my feet on the sand // Before my ears ever heard His Name // My heart knew the feel of His hand

Other hands had bruised me // His always came to heal // Bring out the harp and lift your voice // Now His are the only hands I feel

My heart thrills with joy // My eyes forever shine // Praise the Worthy One // {Jesus is here and He is mine}

Forever my heart will praise// The God Who heard my pleas // Forever my hands will be lifted // Forever I'll dance and sing

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


It’s amazing the things that can change in a few short months. Looking back and reading my November post is…wow. The mistakes you make, the friendships that disappear and the ones that deepen, the lessons you learn, the things you regret but would never change…it’s a lot.

I guess I’ll start by apologizing to those of you who have been promised pictures and updates on my two year adventure abroad. Because that is not happening. You must be deeply saddened…I certainly am. But I’m getting over it, I’d much rather be in the perfect and pleasing will of God. I was looking forward to missionary school abroad (I still have every intention of finding that hut to live in somewhere deep in the tropical forest with my best friend and being involved in medical missions) but in my excitement and thirst for adventure I think that the “ok” I felt I was getting was more me thinking, “It’s missionary school. How can that be wrong?” It’s not as though I planned on forsaking my clothing and moving to the mountains to learn the teachings of a sacred donkey or something. But alas, it’s not my time.

I realized this when the day for applying was drawing near and I kept having the overwhelming urge to throw up. That’s never a good thing, if you were wondering.

Anyway, I’ll be starting EMT classes this fall and I am hoping that I’ve got it right this time. Because I am not so good at the whole decision making thing.

The last six months have been filled with ended friendships, sitting in random people’s driveway to take pictures of the sunset behind their house (I believe this to be only fair, considering the fact that they’re living in my dream home, right?) spiritual lows, reconnecting with old friends, a four-day trip to Dallas with my childhood best friend to see our childhood best friend,  learning that strength is sometimes the greatness weakness, realizing that I can’t remember the rhyme to properly wish on a star (Which is totally absurd! My childhood is over!) and recognizing the incredible beauty in diversity. Busy, busy!

As for taking pictures of the sunset…yeaaaaaah boy! They didn’t turn out nearly as awesome as I had hoped, but I guess that happens sometimes. I’ve been eyeing this house for years and words to describe the peace and beauty and awe when the sun is setting behind that hill just don’t exist, so I thought pictures might be better. But as it turns out, you just have to be there. There are some things that you can’t capture in any other way than to experience it. If you ever want to go watch it in person let me know and we’ll drive up there together. What good is beauty if it’s not shared, eh? Until then, you can use your imagination on these:

{adventure = contentment}

Also, let’s talk about diversity. It’s freaking awesome, right? A bunch of my co-workers got together to play flag football and I, not knowing how to play and having no desire to learn, went and took pictures instead. God’s creativity is inspiring. He made all of us so differently and so uniquely.  It’s amazing how something you have the opportunity to be part of everyday pops out at you through a camera lens. Aren’t they beautiful?

My spiritual life has been low and high and in between and pretty much all over the place. And it’s just…life. I let all the crazy busy days get away from me and forget to make the most of everysecondofeveryday. I don’t want that anymore. I want to be so aware of people’s hearts and people’s needs. I’m still trying to understand how to be, “all things to all people.” It’s a daily, live in the Spirit kind of thing.

A couple weeks ago I attended Engage, a worship/catch the vision for your city event. Totally awesome.  To my left I noticed a girl in a gypsy skirt moving to the rhythm of the Spirit. You could just sense her sweet heart and love for Jesus. During the close Jimmy Needham belted out, “How Sweet it is to be Loved by You” and who appeared to be her boyfriend pulled her up off her blanket and started swinging her around. At first, I was totally in love with them. I thought, she’s found a gem. He kept swinging and she kept tilting her head back while giggles exploded from deep within her heart.

I’m not sure at what point I realized that he wasn’t looking at her. But my heart just shattered. He was too busy looking around to see who was watching his little show. Watching his dancing skills. And I just thought…I don’t ever want to be that person.

I don’t want to be dancing with Jesus and not be looking into His face. I don’t want to dance with Him so that people see…I want to invite Jesus to dance with me because ilovehimmorethananything. Because He’s my husband. Because He’s beautiful.  Ahhh. I want to dance with Him in anticipation for His coming. Practice for our wedding, when He comes to get me and we can dance for eternity. <3

Maranatha. Come quickly, Lord.  

Since it’s the fourth and since my Dallas trip deserves its own post, I’ll be catching you up on that later. For now, just know that it was totally uhhh-mazing. Happy 4th guys! Never take freedom for granted!

May the Lord make His face shine down upon you.


Saturday, June 23, 2012


Listening to: You Keep Loving Me by Jenny & Tyler
Verse Love: Isaiah 44:22 "I have blotted out your transgressions like a cloud and your sins like a mist. Return to Me, for I have redeemed you."

A couple of days ago I had a fit. It's a true story. I just got so fed up with all the noise. Everyday I drive an hour to work blaring my radio to hype up for the day. Work all day in chaos. Drive an hour home blaring my music to chill after working all day. Talk, talk, talk. Catch up on texts. Dinner. Blaring music while doing the dishes and dancing around the kitchen. Shower. Lay in bed hoping for sleep...and listening to music.

There is nothing wrong with music, but I realized post-fit that I shove every empty crevice of my life with noise. I just don't give myself that quiet my soul needs so finally, the unrest I had been feeling began to make sense. And I realized that I so avoid the thing my soul is crying out for because it frightens me.

Be still and know that I am God.

God is teaching me what that means. Be still. Be silent. Listen. And don't fear the quiet. He's such a loving God...all these things I'm afraid to deal with, He deals with gently. And he heals. He's not condemning me for my mistakes. He's not judging me for holding onto fears. He just wants to help. Let's do it together. Be still. Let Him help. If it means marching over to your ihome and pulling the power cord from the wall, then SO BE IT. Get rid of your excuses not to be face-to-face with God.  There is such beauty and restoration and comfort in His presence. Like the clouds...

 For the past couple of weeks I have been FASCINATED with clouds. Jesus is coming on the clouds, after all. I like to think that on that day, I'll be cloud watching and BAM. I'll see His face. Yeeeeah! :)

Clouds are always changing and they're always the same. It's just one of those things. God led His people at one point with a cloud. He's likens an obedient Israel to a cloud-protective shade for the poor and needy in distress. The favor of our King is like spring rain from the clouds. They're just beautiful.

This is the the love child of stillness and clouds:

The silence is ringing in my ears
It's so loud I can't even hear

Running from what makes me whole
Forgetting that Love is mercy to my soul

Like a cloud, my sins are mist
I'm covered, but not in my own righteousness

Living with my head in the clouds
Cause Jesus, I have found

Sunday, November 6, 2011

carry your name

Listening to: I'm Over You ~Chris Young
Why I laugh when people make comments about me being a grown-up or when they ask if I have children: "Knock Knock." "Who's there?" "Cheese." "Yuuum!" "No Kimberly, you're supposed to say 'Cheese who'" "Oh, my bad. Let's try again." "Knock Knock." "CHEESE!" "KIMBERLY! You're supposed to say 'Who's there?'" "I DID! You said Cheese was there!" "No! That's not...You know what? You are a knock-knock joke RUINER." "I'm sorry...I promise I can do it this time!" "I don't tell jokes to RUINERS." "You know you want to tell me Cheese's last name...You knooooow you do." I love my best friend :)

"How merciful the cross
How powerful the blood
How beautiful Your arms
Open for us

By Your wounds we are healed
And You have conquered the grave
And in Your rising, we will rise
To carry Your name
Above every name"

     Love doodles make me happy. They always have. I'm fairly certain that every girl has played the "Writing her first name with the last name of her crush instead of paying attention in class" game. It's fun. And there's something overly fantastic about the thought of changing your last name to the the name of the man you love. No matter how much of a pessimistic, non-romantic you claim to be. I can totally relate to Francesca Battistelli in her song Someday Soon, "I wanna be the one who gets to change her last name someday
to something that sounds something more like yours." It's cute, folks.

     Friday night I went to a ballet performance and one of the dances was accompanied by Christy Nockels' "Carry Your Name." Beautiful dance. Beautiful song. And I just got swept up into the whole thing. God's redemptive work was done for the whole world (For God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in Him, and through him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace through His blood, shed on the cross. Colossians 1:19-20) but in that moment I felt like it was all just for me.

     During the rest of the performance, all I could think about was His Name. And how as Christians, we have the responsibility, the honor, of carrying His name in all that we do. It's how we're known...We're dead to ourselves and alive in Christ. The Church is His bride and we were given His name to carry with us until He comes back and takes us to be with Him forever.

    Jesus. I don't think any name is more awe-inspiring.

    Back to love doodles. This sharing of names doesn't stop with the two love-birds. They pass it to their children who pass it to their children and so on and so forth, spreading the family name. So as Christians, when we carry His name as something that precious and are as excited to take on His name as a love-struck bride is to take on her husband's, the fruit of our lives will spread His name to the ends of the earth. What a beautiful opportunity.

    I find this utterly romantic. And instead of lamenting about my lack of love life, I'm going to be totally satisfied with the love relationship I have with my Jesus. :)

    Can I tell you something? I'm smiling like an idiot again.

    That's been happening a lot lately. And it makes these emoticons 100% necessary.

    Anyway, I hope that you are as hopelessly in love with Jesus as I am finding myself this week! "For your husband is your Maker, Whose name is the LORD of hosts; And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel, Who is called the God of all the earth." Isaiah 54:5


Monday, September 19, 2011


Listening to: Flyleaf's version of How He Loves <3
Reading: Persuasion by the lovely Jane Austen

I am Moses.

Ok, so not really. But I kind of wish I had been able to be Moses. Cool dude. I'm sure we would have been pretty tight.

Anyway, a few months ago, my bestie and I taught a lesson about him for our LIFT girls. And in the middle of putting everything together and researching and praying, I realized that God was trying to teach me something. For those of you unfamiliar with Moses and his story, allow me to "kimmie-phrase" for you.

God chose Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt into to the land He promised their ancestors.  A land of "milk and honey." A land of prosperity.

*skiiiiiiiiiiiip a bunch of really awesome God-happenings and miracles and mercies*

When they reached The Promised Land God told them to take hold of, they turned away because they were scared...of...giants. Silly, eh? God had delivered them from the Egyptians. Did totally crazy-awesome stuff right in front of their eyes! For them! And they were afraid of the really tall men standing around the Jordan. And right on the other side was The Promised Land. The land that their great-great-great-great-great ancestors were given and that they were going to inherit.

What were they thinking?!?!

Because of their disobedience, God told them they were going to wander around in the desert for forty years. And He told Moses that because of his lack of faith, he would die before they were granted access to the Land of Milk and Honey. No Promised Land for Moses.

In Deuteronomy 34, God takes Moses to the top of Mount Nebo where he can see into the Promised Land and tells him, "This is the land I promised on oath to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob when I said, 'I will give it to your descendants.' I have let you see it with your eyes, but you will not cross over into it." Can you imagine? Waiting all those years, going through all those trials, through years of oppression looking forward to the day when you get to grab a hold of the good things God has promised you and you can't.

Because of fear.

Because of unbelief.

                Don’t get me wrong, Moses was still a cool dude. A little bit later in chapter 34 a sort of tribute was given to him… “Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face, who did all those miraculous signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do in Egypt-to Pharaoh and to all his officials and to his whole land. For no one has ever shown the mighty power or preformed deeds that Moses did in the sight of all Israel.”

                When I die, I want to be known as “Kimberly, the woman whom the Lord knew face to face.”

                                But back to what God had to tell me through all of this…I have sort of a “Promised Land.” He has promised me, to be general, a future. A future unaffected by the past. One day, we’ll sit down in big comfy chairs with a steaming cup of coffee and talk more in depth about what that means. But for now, just stay with me.

                A future. Ok. And I’ve always kind of assumed I would get it no matter what. WRONG! If I don’t really believe that God is going to give it to me…why would He? A huge part of our relationship with God is faith. If we trust our fears more than we trust God…where does that leave us? On top of Mount Nebo. Looking at all the beautiful gifts God wants to give us and not being able to enjoy them.

                And so this leaves me saying…I don’t know. I feel like I ought to know where this leaves me! I’d love to say that I am one fearless, face-to-face with God, faith-drunk woman. But I’m not. And I’m facing decisions...ish. I’m pretty sure I’ve told you my feelings on decision-making…but I HATE IT!

                Especially when I don’t know whether I’m letting fear get in the way of The Promised Land or if it’s no big deal. Agh! I just don’t know! I feel like I’m stuck between what I want and what God wants and what everyone else wants for me. I’ve tried the whole “Ok, I want what You want God.” And I still don’t know what that is!

                And while this certain fear is holding me back, I like to pretend that perhaps I just don’t want to make the wrong choice. But then I wonder if being afraid of being wrong is wrong! I apologize for the rambling. If you read this all the way through, I will seriously give you a hug. Won’t even think twice about it. And for really about the coffee date ok? If you’re feeling generous, just…talk to God for me too. Ask Him for a little clarification. I’d appreciate it.

                I understand this probably deepens any questions you had concerning my sanity, especially with the talking in circles jazz, but I really am not crazy. Ok, well maybe just a little bit. I’m a mess. That’s why this is called “Embracing the Mess.” So if you don’t want to embrace it with me...Go away! And don’t come back until you are ready to.

                I am going to leave you with my first of 28 million life verses. It makes me smile like an idiot because I always picture God bending down from the sky with His hand to His ear and feel Him right next to me when I read it:
“I love the Lord because He hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!” Psalm 116:1-2
